Sunday, June 17, 2007

To the love of my life and wonderful father of our children...

You are everything I could ever hope for in a husband, and everything our children could ever need or hope for in a daddy. Your love and commitment to us is amazing, and your love for God is what makes us the family that we are.
I am honored to be your wife for so many reasons, but one of the greatest things about you is the example you set for me, our children and others. Your love for the Lord is always evident. You shine for Jesus everywhere you go and in everything you do. You follow wherever He leads, no matter the cost or sacrifice. It's not easy being apart, but I'm here for you, and we're walking this path hand in hand, side by side!
We are smiling on the outside because we love you and sad on the inside because we can't be with you today. We are proud because of where you to be the best chaplain you can be! Our children follow in your footsteps because those are great steps to follow. You make them very proud to call you dad. Thank you for all the fun we've had over the years. It's not the same when we have to do things without you. We miss you!
Thank you for over 20 years of love and devotion to me. Thank you for loving and caring for our children always. Thank you for being the kind of dad that every child deserves. Thank you for loving them, guiding them, disciplining them and for being such a godly example to them. Thank you for taking them hunting and fishing; for teaching them to enjoy God's creation and have fun outdoors. Thank you for teaching our boys to be strong, godly young men, and letting them grow their hair out when they thought that was cool. Thank you for teaching our daughter to love God and serve him with all her heart. Thank you for showing her what TRUE LOVE is all about. I believe that is why she fell in love with Burke.
Thank you for preaching the gospel and loving people. Thank you for providing for us and sacrificing for the freedoms we hold dear. I've always admired dads who thought about the freedoms they have and serve our country so that their children and grandchildren can have those same freedoms. I know you would do anything for our children. You make me and each one of your children very proud!

You're an amazing man of God and we love you more than words can express.

Happy Father's Day!!


Jen R. said...

Thinking of you today as you are most certainly missing your husband.


Anonymous said...

Laura, you have an absolutely beautiful family!
