This morning they delivered the rest of my husband's stuff from Afghanistan. It arrived at Fort Lewis the very day we pulled away to head to our new Post, 5 months after his return home. It's weird. I find myself trying not to think too much about it, while knowing some of the dirt on those containers comes from place he spent a year of his life.
The first thing I noticed was the family photos at the top. Our twins look so different. They've grown so much since then, and are no longer little boys. My first thought was I wonder if this is emotional for my husband. I'm sure thoughts were flooding his mind. I know one thing, he was happy to see it returned to him. A few things didn't make it back, but HE did and that's what matters!
I know I'm WAY behind in my writing, but maybe this will spur me on to keep up with it better. I know it has sure taken me back to those days of deployment. It made me think of the day I went through containers with my friend, Sarah, after her husband's death and how sad a day that was. I miss her.
This war isn't over, and many more are still deploying. I hope if you're reading this you'll stop and pray for those in harm's way, and their families. I hope you'll pray for those who are injured, and their families, and I hope you'll pray for those families whose loved one paid the ultimate sacrifice. To my friends about to go through a deployment, (again for some) you're in my thoughts and prayers!