Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, I know some of you are waiting to see pictures, but I'm having trouble getting them to upload on my blog tonight'll just have to wait. Tomorrow is the wedding where my daughter is taking pictures and then on Monday we are going snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. We can hardly wait!!

Our first day, we arrived at 11:15 a.m. and, after arriving in O'ahu, we walked as far as our feet would take us...for miles and miles (and fell asleep almost as soon as our heads hit the like 8:15 p.m. I know...too early, but we had been up since 2 a.m. Hawaii time, plus we had walked our feet off!), we sat on the beach (where the sand sticks to you like you were first rolled in glue!) and waded in the water a little, paid a lot of money for a little bit of food at an outdoor restaurant on the beach (ha!), where we listened to some local guys sing and play guitars and bongos and watched the sun go down. We saw some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen.

Today we took a bus to the ends of the, not really, just to North Shore - which felt like the ends of the earth (ha!), and swam on a beautiful beach. It was so awesome to be able to see below you, like in a swimming pool, but not!! Off in the distance, on both sides of the "beach area" we could see the waves crashing on the rocks. It was picture perfect! ...but we're still trying to decide if it was worth a 2 hour bus ride, with a crazy driver, on the way there...and four hours back to the hotel, loaded with kids getting off school, stopping about every mile for a while there, and stuck in horrific traffic. Tonight we just ate at McDonald's and, since we were starving, I think it tasted as good as steak or seafood...well, maybe not, but close!

After dinner, we walked the shops close by our hotel and encountered some really rude "sales people"...and now we're just relaxing. The hotel lobby is indoor/outdoor. That's the best part about the hotel...and I'll just leave it at that. I only wish the rest of the family, especially my husband, was here with my daughter and me. It's definitely a romantic place...not to mention I think the twins would love it here, too!

Well, sorry I couldn't get the photos uploaded...maybe next time I try to log on, if at all...but for sure when I get back home.

1 comment:

MaryLu said...

Wow! Sounds so cool! Nearly everyone in my family has been but not me. One of these days...
For now, I'll enjoy t vicariously through you. I sure hope you get those pics up soon.