Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Old Rugged Cross - Sung by our Soldiers

I'm always thrilled to sit down with my husband and see pictures after he returns from the field, but this time he came home with video clips of one of his services!!

Recently, I've had several new women contact me through my blog whose husbands are considering the chaplaincy. I pray this video will give you a glimpse of the ministry he could have to the Soldiers of this country.


The Parson's Wife said...

You are right, these are exactly what we want to see while we step toward my dh's "call" into the Chaplaincy. We are only waiting for the March Accession Boards now... one step at a time. Praying for you, and thanking God for providing your blog and encouragement. Any new advice? Bless you, He has me through you!

4xblessed said...

You will never know how much it has meant to me to read your blog and see someone else who discusses the very things that my mind is thinking. I have talked to you before but we are only a few semesters away from this dream becoming a reality now. I believe many times we look at the scary or negative aspects that will affect us when following God's direction into the chaplaincy however, being reminded by things you may say or the little video clips brings such a peace, that this is what we are supposed to be doing. I can imagine my husband leading those services and know what a calling he has to strengthen the lives of our military men & women. Thank you again for sharing your heart with everyone. It is so comforting to see other women who share in the same struggles and how God continues to strengthen and grow them. I pray blessings and strength for you and your family...