Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Giant and the Waves

This morning I was cleaning out a few more boxes, trying to find places to put those items, when the song "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns came on. For anyone who knows us, this has been a song that really touched our lives as it spoke so directly to both mine and my husband's heart as we were praying about the chaplaincy. Today it rang loud and clear again as it hasn't been an easy step of faith, nor has it been easy for my husband as he has arrived here and begun something so foreign to him.

Most people would probably think it's very similar to being a pastor, but he would tell you differently now. Maybe it's because he is in a brand new unit and there hasn't been a chaplain before him, or maybe it's simply because he has never done this sort of thing before, but it comes with fear that he won't do something the way it's supposed to be done. He describes it as the first day of school where you don't know anyone or anything....but lingering on.

I spend a lot of time in prayer for him as I know this isn't easy. I have full confidence that he is already doing a fine job. His humbleness would never allow him to see it though. I know there are moments when our faith is tested, and I just believe God is showing my husband that he can trust Him to equip him for every good work. For now, the giants are there, telling him he's not capable of doing this and the waves are so tall, whispering to his heart that he will fail (or sink), BUT we both know that as long as he keeps his eyes on the Lord he will accomplish everything the Lord has for him to accomplish, to the glory of God. We'll just keep telling the giant he has no say so in this matter, and to the waves we say, "He [Jesus] got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (Mark 4:39).


Paulette said...

Kevin is amazing... once he settles in there will be no stopping him. Those soldiers are SO SO fortunate and once he ministers to them they will never forget him.
I will commit to pray for Kevin everyday as he serves our country and his troops. He will have a faithful prayer warrior in me.
I will pray for you also Laura as you serve beside Kevin, he is not complete without you. You are a wonderful team!
Love you both.

Whitney said...

Will you put pictures of the house up now?

Laura said...

I will try to post pictures of the house tomorrow...for those of you who keep asking! :)