The weather didn't really cooperate, but it made me smile when my dad told someone that he wasn't here for the weather anyway. We still had a lot of fun! It was neat for me to get to show them what it's like living on a military installation. Just a week before, the twins and I discovered something fun and inexpensive to do so we shared our new found entertainment with Granny and Pops...bowling!!
My husband is ready to come home to us and his warm, comfortable house and bed and shower and home-cooked meals. It's been a great ministry opportunity, and he is very happy to be there with his Soldiers, but I'm sure he is getting tired and ready to come home. He sounds good every time we talk and I feel blessed to be able to get calls periodically! I'm so very, very thankful that times have changed and we can carry phones wherever we go. I know it can have its disadvantages sometimes, but I praise God that we have them so we can keep in touch with those we love. It's wonderful what we can do now. Soldiers away at war are sometimes able to see their families while talking to them, and even the birth of a child, via the Internet and I think that is so awesome!!
Not being able to hear from my son very much makes me even more grateful for technology. I've been waiting for a letter that he was supposed to get to mail last week and it still hasn't arrived. The waiting and not hearing from him is tough! I can't imagine what it must have felt like in past wars to have to wait on letters from your children or spouses! I am thankful he's not at war right now and that I at least know where he is and that he's not in danger. Praise God! I have friends whose husbands are at war though and I know how much it means to them to get an email or phone call.
Well, I know my thoughts are random but my life is pretty random right now!
That is so wonderful your folks came out to stay with you for a few days!!! Praise the Lord!!!
My mom wanted to come over to see Germany but she just couldn't save enough for a plane ticket and we sure don't have that money. She has seen Fort Riley and Fort Sill though so she's seen a practical military base.
If she saw where we lived now she'd probably run away screaming...LOL. It's completely dead here.
Lucky had snow!!!! According to we are supposed to have snow next Thursday...yeah right! I will believe it when I see it. All it does is rain here, or mist or drizzle...ugh...I say let it snow , let it snow, let it snow!
When does your husband come back from the field? Hopefully soon!
My hubby came back today but I got only to spend 30 minutes with him before I went to my church's Christmas party, but now I am home and he's still awake, so we've been catching up :)
The Lord bless your weekend!
I wanted to thank you for coming by my blog and the very nice comment you left. I've enjoyed taking a peek at your posts and look forward to reading more. While it's hard with my dh being gone, I'm so thankful that we have so many more ways to communicate now than the soldiers and their families did in the past. Those phone calls and emails, when we get them, mean so much to us, and to him too :)
It sounds like a wonderful time you had with your parents visiting.
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